On the Edge II giveaways sponsors and updates

Some quotes from Phil’s twitter about the upcoming On the Edge II tournament:

Phil ‏ @995Phil

@KombatNetwork is proud to announce our new sponsor for ON THE EDGE II @ClockworkItOut who will be providing copies of @Skullgirls TY!!!

Phil ‏ @995Phil

@KombatNetwork is also proud to announce that @hecterrific @pakostevens and the rest of the NRS guys have supplied a copy of MK Vita for us!

Phil ‏ @995Phil

The copy of @MK_MortalKombat for Vita will be given away with the Vita at ON THE EDGE II! THANK YOU @hecterrific @pakostevens and NRS!

Phil ‏ @995Phil

Got this in today from @hecterrific for the @KombatNetwork giveaway! http://pic.twitter.com/Tgo7M67m

Phil ‏ @995Phil

@Test_Your_Might and you can win MK Vita along with a PS VITA at ON THE EDGE II!

@ecthrowdown @SJCage @thisislijoe We’re giving away PS VITA with @MK_MortalKombat Vita at ON THE EDGE II!

Check it out on TYM:


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