What’s up players? KombatNetwork is gauging interest in a promotion we have planned during the debut run of Injustice 2. We’ve been using the same Asus monitors for about 5 years now and are looking to replace them with new ones to complement upcoming Injustice 2 tournaments.
If KN ran a giveaway as an incentive to boost twitch channel subscribers, would anyone be interested in that? For example, with every 50 unique subscribers, we’d give away one of our old monitors and put the revenue towards new ones.
In a best case scenario, will give away at least 8 of our dozen or so battle tested monitors. Most are Asus VH236H LCD and a few are Asus VH238H LED, all are 23″, 1080p, 2ms and have been used extensively in dozens of majors and numerous locals by some of the top players in various games over the years. These monitors still sell for $125 to $150.
Give us your feedback on twitter @KombatNetwork and we’ll post a complete rules list, and more details about the equipment.
Subscribe to KombatNetwork on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork/subscribe?ref=below_video_subscribe_button (or through Twitch Prime/Game Sales) for a chance to win an Asus 23″ monitor in a monthly giveaway whenever we hit 50 unique subscribers! All revenue goes towards new monitors and we will do this up to 8 times if possible. Meter Burn your experience at tournaments and subscribe!
Again, for every 50 unique subscriptions we will give away one of our old Asus 23″ Monitors (1 per sub/up to 8 total) and use the revenue to buy new ones to freshen up things for Injustice 2!