Another one in the books at #SummerJam13, I believe the 10th consecutive time for me. Best stream we’ve done despite the abnormally lower viewership.
Thanks to the SJ13 event staff and M”KN”J combo staff for helping us out and making sure all went well from setup to break down. BigEric, Cell, @bigegaming, CombackKyle, AndrĂ© @bifuteki, EricDragon, Holland, Emily @Jemmillion, Karen_schoedel, Chelsea, @Mikemetroid, Phillip @KDZaster, Raph, & Icy Black Deep + more.
Always great to have legit commentators on hand, thanks to the #Windjammers & #SmashBrosUltimate crews, @NotFrankeSisto @UchiGames
Our #impromptu #KlassicMK broadcast team inspired by JamessMK’s undying love for the original Mortal Kombat (1992)! Miguel @DarthArma, Thomas Brady @MK_TomBrady
Last but not least, the new #toostronk stream rig, thanks to Jason Axelrod of @8wayrun for building it, in addition to hooking us up with camera tech.
Congrats to Coach Steve @fightcoachfightfor taking #MK11, Mayur AKA Raoman Reigns for winning his first #SFV tournament! Boundy and Santa with Muscles for taking Smash Ultimate and Windjammers on the KN stream.
That’s it for now, if I forgot anyone, I know too many people. Hope to see some of you guys later this week at AVGC