Category Archives: Tournament
Winter Brawl XII is this weekend, Injustice 2 Among Us.
Winter Brawl 12 is this weekend, #kombatnetwork will be streaming #Injustice2 Pools Saturday 12 noon EST to 4PM, followed by #Pokken @4, #Arms @630 & #Windjammers.@830. Sunday starting 11AM EST, Tops 8 for Arms, Pokken @130 & Winjammers @4
NEC XVIII YouTube Playlist
Windjammers 2v2 featuring Xavier Woods of WWE, Arms and Pokken Pools from NEC XVIII
NEC is a wrap! Sonic Fox emerges victorious in Injustice 2 and Sooneo picks up MKX
Crazy weekend at NEC18. My first BigE event was NEC2 back in 2001 for #UMK3, #CvS2 and #XvSF, since then I have only missed NEC5. Big thanks to @BigEgaming and @XavierWoodsPhD for making the #KombatNetwork stream #Windjammers stream SUPER hype. … Continue reading
NEC18 is this weekend!
KombatNetwork will be streaming at NEC18 – Friday night at 7PM EST will be Windjammers 2v2 Teams, and Saturday Arms Pools at 12 Noon EST, followed by Pokken! Come out to the event and get in some classic MK action … Continue reading
RISE MenaRD Wins Capcom Cup 2017
Birdie takes it over Akuma in Street Fighter V for Capcom Cup 2017. Congratulations RISE MenaRD, defeating Echo Fox’s Tokido in a spectacular comeback and back and forth showdown!