NRS’ next game is a DC Universe fighter!!

NetherRealm’s next game will be some type of fighting game, featuring DC Universe characters. Not too much is know about this game, but as you can tell from my avatars on TYM & Twitter, it wasn’t a big time secret. When the contract with DCU & WB Games was signed, which gave us MKvsDCU, the contract called for 2 games. Injustice is the 2nd. Can’t wait to hear and see more about the game as time goes on, so stay tuned!! Here is the debut trailer:

Injustice | Gods Among Us


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UFGT8 MK9 Pool Match Vids

Our good friend Dan Medina has uploaded some MK9 pool matches from this past weekends UFGT8: Infinity. Chris G, Pig of the Hut, GGA 16 Bit, GGA Jeremiah, Tom Brady, Slips and eventual UFGT8 MK9 Champion KevoDaMan and more are all featured here. Check out the link below!

UFGT8: Infinity Mortal Kombat 9 Pool Playlist

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ECT4 Sponsor & Preview Trailer; Remember to Pre-Register!!

Our boys SweetJohnnyCage and thisislijoe have officially released their “sponsors & previews” trailer for the event happening in less than two weeks, another Road to Evo 2012 Event, East Coast Throwdown 4! Last year during Mortal Kombat 9 many players including REO, Chris G, Tom Brady, K Hunter fought their way to the Top 8 just to have Michelangelo take the East Coast’s money! This year NetherRealm Studios/WB Games has put together a $1,000 pot bonus for the Top 8 at this year’s ECT4… who gonna take it?!

East Coast Throwdown 4 Sponsor & Preview Trailer

Also, important pre-registration information: End June 2nd at 12AM PST, click here to pre-register now!

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Console Combat’s May monthly MK9 videos

You can now view all the MK9 matches from this months Console Combat monthly, which includes players like THTB, m2dave & Master D. Not to mention, this was the debut of one Michaelangelo, who now lives in Western PA and will be a strong member of CoCo’s MK9 stable. Check out the Youtube playlist HERE and enjoy this tasty morsel to wet your appetite!

MK9 Loser’s Final – CoCo Forever King vs M2Dave

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2012 Road To EVO Point Standings (Updated w/ UFGT8 results!)

TYM member & Mid-Atlantic Kombat’s own BLACKULA has tallied up all the Evo points given out since the Road to Evo tourney’s began, and this is the standing’s of players with all their Evo points for seedings!!

“So we’ve had quite a few majors transpire this year. Many of us who have gone to these tourneys have placed in the top 12. Back in January, Mr. Wizard said that top 12 would receive EVO points. The breakdown goes like this: 1st – 50pt, 2nd – 25 pts, 3rd – 10 pts, 4th through 12th – 1 pt. Well, looking around, I didn’t find a place that had the current totals from all events. I asked Mr. Wizard, and he said he would post the final total after the last major. I myself got curious though to see where everyone who earned points stood. I took the time to get the top 12 results of all the majors this year and comprise a chart.”

Well, here are the current standings after UFGT8:

1. vVv REO – 135 pts
2. DRS|MCZ Kevo Da Man – 101 pts
2. vVv CD Jr – 101 pts
4. FC Chris G – 52 pts
4. iKizzle – 52 pts
6. IGL DJT – 50 pts
6. M2Dave – 50 pts
6. Pig of the Hut – 50 pts
6. Showtime – 50 pts
10. GGA Dizzy – 37 pts

To check out the full list of results, check out the full thread right HERE on TYM!!

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