Civil War 4: Mortal Kombat 9 Results

Congratulations to KevoDaMan for taking this tournament with an impressively skilled turnout.

Check out full details on TYM:

1. KevoDaMan
2. Blackula
3. SwiftTomHanks
4. FC NYChrisG
5. Flipin Flava
5. Citizen Snips
7. Impact The Masses
7. LulzLo
9. Tricky Lizard
9. Relaxed State
9. BeatDownMao
9. Nao_Lienoj
13. Crimson Panther
13. Guns Tariq
13. The Sloth Style
13. RL Jon
17. Black Lawn
17. Ryan Strickland
17. Mean Green
17. Naniwa Tiger
17. Sizzlinpapaya
17. AC Experience
17. BAMF
17. Hostile Vengeance

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Team Spooky to Take a Break After Evolution 2012

This is very big and ground pounding news from Sp00ky, that Team Sp00ky will in deed be taking some time off. Find out how this affects the fighting game community over at TYM:

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MLG – MK9 & SCV Online [US Only] Tournaments Announced!

MLG Online Tournaments

MLG has announced official, prize money reigning online only tournaments for MK9 and SCV. Bringing the action home to you, the players! This is an incredibly gracious offering to the community so take advantage players! Get the scoop on TYM:

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MK9 Streams & Schedules: MLG & Civil War 4

Civil War

There’s a lot going on this weekend, so check out all the details on TYM:

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Console Madness 6, Moscow Russia Tournament Results

Action and info from this tournament in Russia held on April 22nd is available at TYM:

Top 6:

1. Mummerah (Sektor)
2. Mr.Riddler (Sonya/Smoke/Sektor)
3. Insignis (Ermac)
4. Nomad (Reptile)
5. Chen-Sek (Kitana/Jax)
5. JustObserver (Jade)

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