RSVP here players:
Guest List for The Main Event (If you see what you know is your name and initial, please contact me on the RSVP page for FB with your gamertag)
1. Shock
2. Kazi
3. Mikemetroid
4. KT Smith
5. Rapzilla
6. Ray Riazy
7. Josh K
8. Jaxel
9. J Rosa
10. The Besteban
11. ComeBack
12. Indecisive
13. Kyle Johnson
14. Scoot Magee
15. ManTan
16. Glitch
17. Gabriel M
18. Rich D
19. Eric W
20. Matt C
21. Seth W
22. Brian B
23. DarthArma
24. Joseph I
25. CJ C
26. Frantastic
27. Raymond L
30. KPB Cibernetico
31. KPB Roddyness
32. KPB Solshido
33. KPB Solkuro
34. KPB #4
35. KPB #5
36. KPB #6
37. KPB #7
38. Andre C
39. Lincoln M
40. CD Jr
41. Sweet Johnny Cage
42. KDZ
43. Disciple
44. Claude VonStroke
45. Rico Suave
46. Tom Brady
47. Masta CJ
48. rolz420zx
49. Big E
50. Airflash
51. Oscar F
52. José H
53. Jago G
54. James T
55. Teddy X K
56. Base Bombgartner
57. Christopher J
58. Zyphox
59. Dr Morganstien
60. Nick S
61. Joe S
62. Matthew K
63. imblackjames
64. Guy
65. Grief
67. Jupiter
1. Clutch
2. Jonnitti
3. The Ultimizer
4. Emiel D
5. Maxim
6. 7L
7. Dragon A
8. Brandon S
9. Joe R
10. TSwagg
11. Josh Corris
12. Justin M
13. Matt T
14. Steve N
15. Conti M
16. Morgan P
17. Eric S
18. Rob S
19. Master Steve
20. Robert P
21. Philip M
22. Hendrick P
23. Ray M
24. Jon R
25. Preston P
26. Will H
27. Whitefox
28. HellblazerHawkman
29. HGTV Soapboxfan
30. Sonic Fox
31. Jeremy KO
32. Red Gouki
33. LI Joe
34. Grr
35. Insuperable
37. Cristin D
38. Nick V
39. Marquis H
40. EdFig81
41. Dryzzen
42. JamessMK
43. Papi Tom
44. Pedro S
45. Fooblat
46. Paul R
47. jboogie607
48. JRod
The Main Event is the next in the line of traditionally named arcade game titles for tournaments run by the KombatNetwork at the now famous arcade location “YesterCades” which started in Red Bank NJ in 2011, and has gone on to open a new venue in Somerville, NJ slated for early May 2014. This event will take place May 24th (two weeks after ECT) and is an all day event from 2PM to 2AM.
RSVP and get all the info here players:
Injustice (70 players)
2. RG Sonic Fox
3. EMPR Dr. Zyphox
4. EMP Tom Brady
5. Viking305
5. EMP Darth Arma
7. AK Iron Sword
7. EMPR Jupiter
9. EMPR Grr
9. PTH Oxygen
9. RG Rico Suave
9. PTH Astronout
13. KN Frantastic
13. RM Chongo
13. EMPR Salt Face
13. KP
17. KIT Forever King
17. PTH Relaxed State
17. The REAL mistaFOO
17. EMPR Outworld
17. King James
17. Insaynne
17. EMPR Dragon God
25. PTH RM EDC Mr Aquaman
25. PTH Lith
25. Black Bryan
25. G from the Streets
25. Blackula
25. Plural
25. PTH KhaoTik
25. Kinetic Orochi
33. chemist4hire
33. Atlas the Carry
33. EMP JRosa
33. FreeJay
33. PTH Rev0lver
33. KN Mikemetroid
33. NJ StarWolf 420
33. Lance 3000
33. AK Darkness
33. BBoy Dragon KP
33. Jonnitti
33. PTH RM Witness
33. EMPR CT Dom
33. Sid the Haze
33. EMPR Tom Brady’s Mom
33. Mr Bye
49. Triple M
49. KPB Kakurot
49. Holy Judgment
49. Hinokaga
49. Matt aka Spazz
49. OBS PTH Jkun Prime
49. Black Spirit
49. RM PTH Srry IM White
49. Ronald Rogan
49. FlipKev
49. Groove Heaven
49. Ng Browns MaGee
49. Goken
49. IGP Static Gorilla
49. Jeremy KO
49. Mr Bye II
65. ExBlackman
65. Marcus McNasty
65. Keyser Soze
65. DCB Boog
65. Kyzer
65. KN Chief Gief
Injustice 10 v 10
Team PTH defeats Team EMPR
(Full results and offline videos pending)
MKII Tournament Edition Balance Hack (10 players)
1. KN Mikemetroid
2. OBS JamessMK
3. Billy Awesomo
4. KN Shock
5. Justin
5. VSM Cibernetico
7. Kyle Winston
9. EMP Tom Brady (DQ)
9. Comeback (DQ)
MK9 Top 4 (~15 players)
1. RG Sonic Fox
2. 25. PTH KhaoTik
3. KIT Forever King
4. KN Mikemetroid
Super thanks to everyone who attended and helped at Winter Brawl! Mega congrats to @KDZaster for making that huge come back and taking Injustice! Also, the MKII balance hacks seems to be a huge success. We’ll see where it goes from here
MKII Balance Hack tournament results:
1. KN Mikemetroid
2. OBS JamessMK
3. Billy Awesomo
4. KN Shock
5. Cibernetico
5. CT Justin
7. Kyle Winston
9. EMP Tom Brady (DQ)
9. Comeback (DQ)
Thank you to Big E and Bifuteki for supplying a back up 4G for us when ours couldn’t get signal. KN really appreciates it.
Videos from the 10 v 10 will be posted later in the week that didn’t make it to the stream.
Thanks again everyone.