Saturday Slugfest XIV videos from the Pacific Northwest

Information courtesy of slash5150

Saturday Slugfest XIV videos from the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, WA) are now available on youtube.

Bracket wrap up:

Action includes Canada Cup 2013 Injustice Champion AK Clark, UMvC3 CC2013 Top 8 and EVO2013 Top 32 placer Darryn as well as Rattana, CCG|Air in KOF and AE action, Juicebox Abel and Joel A in KOF action as well.

All playlists available at

Playlist for event:


Also another note, all events streamed by me are subject to the collusion rule. This rule is stated on the stream and applies to all events. This is there just in case Facebook doesn’t allow us to modify posts and add the rule in

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Confirms list for Rolling Thunder at YesterCades October 19th, 2013

To give players an idea of who is planning to attend this event, here’s the current list of confirms and maybes. If your name is on this list and should not be, if you need to be shuffled from one list to the other, if you are listed twice/wrong name, or if you need to be added to one, please contact Shock on Twitter .

Games featured at Rolling Thunder: Injustice, SSF4AE2012, UMvC3, Super Smash Bros Brawl & Melee, CvS2, and more.


1. Shock
2. Besteban
3. GBUrisine
4. Nick S
5. Zyphox
6. Rapzilla
7. KMC
8. Sweet Johnny Cage
9. ChainAce
10. Summoning
11. Ray Riazy
12. Jon Nitti
13. Jaxel
14. Brian B
15. Steve M
16. Darth Arma
17. LiquidAlloy
18. Steve B
19. Emeril D
20. Manny P
21. Grant G
22. Joe
23. KDZ
24. Kazi
25. Jazzmatazz
26. Troy H
27. Joe T
28. Abbneto
29. Tucker M
30. Scythe
31. Joe R
32. Josh C
33. AC1984
34. CD Jr
35. IcyBlackDeep
36. SwiftTomHanks
37. Rev0lver
38. Dillon C
39. Kayce M
40. Raymond L
41. 9.95
42. Paul M
43. Jake B
44. Jonggi O
45. Tara T
46. Blaise A
47. Rangers Crew
48. Danny K
49. FlipDog
50. Thomas R
51. Rico Suave
52. Joe Kruty
53. Masta CJ
54. Maynard
55. Jacob G
56. Matt L
57. Jupiter
58. Tom Brady
59. Bobman
60. Kevin K
61. Kate O
62. Grr


1. D’Ron M
2. Guy
3. JamessMK
4. Spyro
5. Battousai
6. RSigley
7. Khaotix
8. Ed T
9. Pherleece
10. Marlin Pie
11. Jer
12. Mitch L
13. Grover
14. Check
15. Minh
16. Justin Doc
17. Elias S
18. Shin Blanka
19. Greg C
20. Silent J
21. Khristian N
22. Fooblat
23. Riyo
24. Astronout
25. Cibernetico
26. HGTV Soapboxfan
27. Aaron Y
28. Robert P
29. Yuri P
30. Zaf
31. David R
32. Richard M
33. Greg M
34. Jamaal H
35. Will H
36. Raymond L
37. Claude VonStroke
38. JRosa
39. Daniel A
40. Jesse
41. Bobby D
42. Justin H

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The Dark Knight prevails at Kingdom Come!

Congratulations to KN EMP Darth Arma for taking a hype Round Robin event at the warehouse.

Much thanks to Rapzilla and Swift Tom Hanks for taking the reigns with this event making it two successful tournaments in a row. Look for more this year.

Top 8 Injustice Round Robin

1. KN EMP Darth Arma – Batman
2. EMP KDZ – Superman
3. RG Rico Suave – Black Adam
4. KT Smith – Green Lantern
5. PTH Revolver – Lex Luthor
5. Grrr – Bane
7. KN Frantastic – Superman
7. VSM Scoot Magee – Green Arrow

Character Auction results:

$4 Bane Grrr
$10 Batman RapZiLLa54
$11 Green Arrow 7L
$7 Green Lantern Abbnetto
$3 Aquaman KT Smith
$3 Doomsday Rico Suave
$3 Killer Frost Leogeo
$3 Grundy MikeMetroid

There a total of 147 3/5 Matches run at this event plus tons of casuals.

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KombatNetwork and Red Bank Rumble Present: Rolling Thunder at YesterCades October 19th

Facebook event page coming soon.

Sign up here:

or here:

I want to get this out in the open now, since there are a couple other events going on. Originally this was slated for October 26th but I don’t want to go against the Filthy Cup (props to Filthy Rich for letting me test KI3 at TFC) due to proximity. Other events on this day are hundreds of miles away so I think we’re good.

The current start time is 5PM, which means tournaments will start at 7PM sharp. There is a chance the start time will get advanced to 4PM, and tournaments will then start between 6 and 7. We will attempt to make a legit stream schedule since Jaxel will be streaming this event for us. We would like to thank 8 Way Run for helping us with this event as streaming at YesterCades is an arduous task when you also have to run the tournament.

As of right now we’re running Injustice, AE, Marvel, Melee, Brawl and maybe CvS2 if time and space allows, it should. Last time we got 110 players for the event spread across 7 games. The goal number is around 80-90 with ideally 32 for Injustice being key. We’ll also have UMK3, MvC2 and Super Turbo all on cabinet equipped with PSX/2 controller mods. Any of these cabinets can be used for side tournaments and accommodate 99% of players since you can use PS gamepads on them.

More details, rules, etc to come but we’re less than 4 weeks away and need to get the word out but here’s the basics:

Who: KN/RBR seasonal regional event
What: Rolling Thunder
When: Saturday October 19th, 2013
Where: YesterCades 80 Broad Street Red Bank NJ 07701
Time: 5PM (possibly 4PM) until 2AM (or grand finals finish)
Main Games: Injustice, AE, Marvel, Brawl, Melee – possible side games UMK3, CvS2, MvC2, Super Turbo

$15 Venue fee grants access to all day casuals when available on consoles plus freeplay access to the 85 arcade cabinets and 16 pinball machines/whatever console systems are open.
$10 entry fee for Injustice, AE, Marvel, Brawl and Melee
$5 entry fee for side games
Awards: Crown Trophy

Hype this up players!

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KombatNetwork is happy to announce its sponsorship for Krayzie at NEC!

Yes KN is lending a hand once again to TYM admin and long time competitor Krayzie for this year’s NEC in Philly which should be a monster of a tournament. Be there players!

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