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To all tournament goers, please read this:


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Red Bank Rumble this Friday 9/7/12

Quoted from Shock on Twitter:

#RBR8 this Friday 8PM @YesterCades to be streamed by @KombatNetwork . We’ll be running AE, Persona4 & GGAC, trying to expand the stream! RT!

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Get registered NOW for Season’s Beatings: Ascension September 28-30, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio!!

You still have time, but its running out fast to register for the HYPEST of all fighting game tourneys, SEASON’S BEATINGS!! If you’ve been sleeping under a rock and haven’t heard yet, SEASON’S BEATINGS takes place this year in CLEVELAND, OHIO. All the info you need about SBa and how to register is found right HERE. FYI, Mortal Kombat 9 will be a one day event for Saturday, September 29th, 2012. The pools will start around 4pm so plan to be there earlier to get some casuals in as we go right into tourney play. I am also looking to set up some KILLER exhibitions including a possible 3 team 5v5 ROYAL RUMBLE of sorts, so stay tuned for more info. And if you have any MK related questions OR suggestions about SEASON’S BEATINGS: ASCENSION, please send them to me via my TWITTER & my FACEBOOK, and of course on TESTYOURMIGHT.com as soon as we get it back up here shortly. SO GET REGISTERED NOW, and save yourself some cash!!

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TestYourMight/UltimateMK Temporary Forum

As many of you know, TestYourMight.com has had some significant server related issues as of late, which STORMS will inform everyone about more as it develops, but to supplement the sake of conversation and keeping the flow of the community going that is wholly represented by the users of TYM, everyone is welcome to join in at UltimateMK.com, which is essentially one of the parent sites of KombatNetwork.

UMK was the forum where everything came together for the scene, merging the collective users from countless sites that had anything to do with MK and competition, no matter how insignificant, and spawned future sites all continuing the legacy of the MK community. It was closed indefinitely after ClassicMK merged with TYM and talks of merging UMK into the new TYM commenced thereafter, because there was no reason to keep the community fractured across multiple forums when all of the admins of these sites were so close with each other, and aiming for the same purpose. So now, as a favor to TYM, UMK is gladly opening its doors once again to any and all TYM members as a temporary holding area for discussion of all things MK. The posts made during this time will later be merged back into TYM when the forum is up and running.

Remember, if you are a new user to UMK, please sign up with your username and email address that correspond with your TYM account to make the future merger of this down time easier for us. Thank you all, the MK community, and how you help represent MK in the FGC to the fullest. Your understanding is appreciated at this time where things are out of the hands of the TYM management. TYM is a hugely important source of news, information and joy to so many people, and should be returning soon.


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