From Colombia, (ICS) Ric0ter0 Delivers MK9 & Killer Instinct Combo Videos

A good friend of ours, NinjaGrinder from Colombia, South America has informed us of a few unique combo videos done by a respectable local player, (ICS) Ric0ter0. There are three videos that show Sub-Zero, Cyber Sub-Zero/Cyrax and one of Killer Instinct. While some of these are for the ‘flashiness’ of the combo, may you pick them apart and learn a thing or two? Regardless, these are very entertaining to watch and are not your average combo video anymore.

To quote NinjaGrinder:
A fellow mk player over here made a nice Subzero (MK9) combovideo and I want to share it with everybody so I was wondering if you could please post it on the front page for us. Thanks a lot.

Oh and he made another video for SNES Killer Instinct so If you want to throw it out like a bonus it would be cool. Another bonus video would a mini cyber subzero/cyrax combovid I made not so long ago. Maybe a video roundup for everyone to see?

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Console Combat June monthly MK9 playlist

This past weekend, Console Combat held their monthly event, and MK9 was there in full force. Heavy hitters such as Perfect Legend, Master D., THTB, Michaelangelo & m2dave, among others, were in attendance and some great matches were had. In the end, the defending Evo MK9 champ, Perfect Legend came out on top after coming from the Losers side. You can check out the full bracket right HERE, and the playlist for all the streamed matches are found HERE. Also, make sure you check out Console Combat on their Official SiteTwitch.TV Stream linkTwitter,Facebook & YouTube.

And for a taste of things to come…….Click HERE check out the Loser’s Final between PL & m2dave!!

Also, for Northern Ohio area MK9 players, make sure you check out the CoCo yearly membership found right HERE!!!

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Red Bank Rumble #4 This Friday June 29th @YesterCades

We’re coming up on another bi-weekly for RBR, and for the first time MK9 will be a featured game. We’re looking to round up as many MK9 players in the Tri-state area as possible. Venue fee is $15 which grants you access to all night casuals for MK9 and SSF4AE 2012, in addition to console casuals will be tournaments, pending a reasonable number of entrants per game, for a $10 entry fee.

The best part of the $15 venue cover fee is 7PM until closing (1AM or later), unlimited access to freeplay arcade machines and pinball. Arcade machines include 90s favorites such as UMK3, MK1, Marvel Vs Capcom, SFIICE, Virtua Fighter, Tekken 3, WrestleMania, WrestleFest, The Simpsons, TMNT, X-men (4 player), Revolution X, NBA Jam, and 80s classics such as various Pac-Man & Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, Joust, Bubble Bobble, Gauntlet, Tetris, Golden Axe, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Duck Hunt, Tron, Altered Beast and dozens more popular arcade games and pinball, last but not least, the infamous Addams Family Pinball. All machines are in considerably good to perfect shape.

So arrive around or before 7PM and let the staff at the counter know you are there for Red Bank Rumble

Check out:
YesterCades or
YesterCades on FaceBook

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Evo 2012 MK9 Pool Info has posted the pools for the Super Bowl of fighting games tourneys, Evo. The pools for MK9 at Evo 2012 start Saturday morning, July 7th, with quarterfinals scheduled to begin around 4pm with semis to start at 6pm. All times are PST. Top 8 will go down on Sunday, July 8th. Times for Top 8 will be updated. You can see the each pool HERE, pool brackets right HERE and you can see the match ups for these pools on right HERE. Check ’em out now!!

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MK’s Combo King & Elder God ded brings the haze

Making killer kombo vids is what MK Elder God ded does best. After taking a different approach with the History of MK series, ded is back with a series called “Mortal Kombat Haziness”. This features ALL the different secrets in the MK games, especially with the classic arcade era games. So sit back and check out both volumes of these vids!! Thanks ded!!

Mortal Kombat Haziness: Volume 1

Mortal Kombat Haziness: Volume 2

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